Bluetooth Car Kits
Bluetooth technology is essential if you are going to be using your cell phone while driving. The ability to talk as though you were having a normal conversation with someone else in the car helps the driver forget about holding the phone, wires or other accessories and to focus on the road.
Answering incoming calls have never been easier, and making calls requires just the touch of a button or a voice command. On most Bluetooth car kits you can even stream music or listen to your music wirelessly from your phone right to your radio without ever having to plug in a single cord or touch your phone at all.
Below are some of the many ways the experts at Finish Line have of installing Bluetooth car or truck kits in your vehicle.

Stand Alone Bluetooth Units
Bluetooth stand alone units come in many different shapes and sizes, with and without screens. These units can be installed either as a completely standalone unit where there is a separate speaker and microphone. The one big drawback to this is that you have to run your radio volume independent of the Bluetooth kit, however; it is the least expensive way to go.
We recommend having these types of units integrated into your existing radio. By utilizing the factory radio and speakers we are able to automatically mute the radio when you receive a call and have the caller’s voice be heard through your factory speakers. Also if you have music on your phone you can now listen to it on your cars speakers instead of rocking out to the tiny little speaker in your phone.
Factory Radio Bluetooth Integration
We can add Bluetooth car kits to your factory radio for an even more seamless installation. Just talk normally and the caller’s voice will come through your factory speakers. The radio will automatically mute when a call is received and it will pull the information up on your radios screen. Stop by or call today and find out if this is an option for you.
We can also replace your existing radio for one that has Bluetooth built in. This is by far the best way to enjoy seamless integration of your music, navigation, and phone operations. There are many options available for aftermarket radios with built in Bluetooth and they are priced very reasonably starting in the sub $200.00 category.
To learn more about the added safety and benefits Bluetooth can provide stop by and talk with one of our highly trained staff members.